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7 Ways to Increase Productivity in Your Digital Agency

Updated: Dec 21, 2023

Right now, your agency could be losing 20-30%* in revenue every year because of a lack of productivity. You're not alone. Most agencies list "lack of productivity" as their most significant pain point, second to "lead generation" CIS Agency's Manager and Founder, Carlos Valladares, offers 7 key steps for recapturing productivity for your digital agency.

One of 2023's Biggest Challenges

Digital agencies are always looking for ways to maximize their time and resources. Lack of productivity can be a significant issue, hindering your team's ability to deliver projects efficiently and meet client expectations. The tricky part is finding the correct method for your agency since every team is different, and the end process is less clearly defined compared to other industries.

The good news is you can solve this pain point in 2023. This article will discuss how to unlock the key to your agency's success and learn how to maximize your productivity so you drive growth, meet deadlines faster, and increase revenue.

Winning the Productivity Game

Carlos Valladares has considerable experience in this field, having scaled CIS Agency from 3-4 employees and 50 clients to 18 employees and hundreds of clients. He has distilled his experience into 7 practical steps for optimizing your workflow, resource management, and client relationships:

1. Understand your team's pain points.

Before you can improve your agency's productivity, start by clearly identifying the obstacles in your way. Assess your agency's entire process and zero in on the places where it can work better. Understanding pain points will enable you to target your most critical issues with specific, workable solutions.

2. Standardize your work process.

Devise systems and methods that you can use on every project. Having a defined set of repeatable steps eliminates confusion and enables your entire team to work more confidently, independently, and efficiently. Taking the time to standardize your process now can save you far more time later since your team won't have to reinvent the process every time.

3. Integrate tools with your main platform.

Many effective tools are now available for your agency, and you should embrace them! However, having too many disconnected platforms and tools makes for a cumbersome workflow. Integrate all your tools with your main platform to ensure a seamless fit among them.

4. Think of your team as a value chain.

Your team's various activities and functions are as interconnected and interdependent as the links on a chain. Even when working separately, each team member's contributions should align and complement each other to create value for your clients. Viewing your team as a value chain and taking a holistic approach to teamwork can help you sync your various departments into an organized whole.

5. Cultivate a sense of belonging.

Your team likely consists of both local and off-site or remote team members. People are most productive when they feel valued and supported as part of a community. Encourage your off-site staffers to feel like they're key parts of the team, and your entire agency will benefit.

6. Lead your clients from start to finish.

Take charge of the process for your clients, always keeping them engaged and committed. Be proactive with guidance and communication, seek feedback, and manage expectations throughout the timeline. Leading your clients from the initial project stages to completion is not just about controlling the process; it's about improving client relations by being a trusted advisor and a dependable partner.

7. Simplify client communication.

Slow or unreliable communication methods slow project turnaround times and result in frustrated team members and clients. Look for ways to generate faster and more efficient communication throughout the process. Whether it's a centralized client portal, regular status updates, automated project notifications, or instant messaging, find a way that works for your agency and your unique clients.

Building Your Agency's Growth Engine

These seven steps offer a handy blueprint for boosting your own "growth engine" and scaling your agency. Understanding pain points, standardizing your work process, and integrating tools with your main platform will streamline your workflow. Thinking of your team as a value chain and cultivating a sense of belonging will drive productivity. Finally, leading your clients from start to finish and simplifying client communication will improve client relationships. Overall, these combined steps will drive and sustain your agency's growth over time, allowing you to increase your customer base and revenue.


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